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Cornerstone Caregiving

We are a senior home care service that allows your loved ones to stay where they feel most comfortable: at their home in Eau Claire or in surrounding areas like Chippewa Falls, Altoona, or Menomonie.

Our trusted Eau Claire staff can’t wait to meet your loved one. We want to know how many times they’ve eaten lunch at Altoona Family Restaurant, or if they would prefer to watch a movie at home every evening after dinner. They might not remember when to take their medications, but we will. We will provide maximum independence with maximum comfort for every client, every day.

We want to know them. During these complex life circumstances, we understand the value of a helpful, trustworthy presence at home. We prioritize the dignity and self-worth of every client we have the privilege of serving in the Eau Claire–Chippewa Falls metro area. Our process simplifies a complicated time of life for our care recipients, because we understand that great support requires clarity and ease.

Please visit our website at: cornerstonecaregiving.com/eauclaire